Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall Reading Challenge 2010

Fall 2010

Challenge: Fall Reading Challenge 2010

Start date: September 22, 2010

Finish date: December 20, 2010

Hosted By: A Southern Daydreamer Reads


  1. Make a list of books you want to read this Fall.
  2. Write a post with your list on your blog. (You can add to or change this list at any time during the challenge)
  3. Please post the direct link to your Fall Reading Challenge 2010 post. (so that other participants can visit and see what you are reading)
  4. You can write another post in December to let everyone know how you did.

<Mr Linky mis-behaving… PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR LINK IN COMMENTS>  (I will add manually)

List of Fall Reading Challenge participants:

  1. Susan at A Southern Daydreamer Reads
  2. Donnie at New Blessing Everyday
  3. Teri at Gone Walkabout 2
  4. Sherrie at Just Read
  5. Susan at A Work in Progress
  6. Laura at The Shabby Rabbit
  7. Beth at Elizabeth’s Studio 54: Life and Art in Rural New England
  8. Maggie at Normandy Life
  9. Tina at Beansie Babbles
  10. Cortney at Living & Loving in California
  11. You are next!

We will have another challenge for Winter 2010. The purpose of the challenge is for everyone to read and have fun!


  1. I put my post up this morning. Here's my link. My choices aren't too interesting but I like that we don't have to read a particular book. Happy reading

  2. Thanks for the 'kick' to get reading! Here's my reading list:

  3. Hi Susan,
    Please sign me up. I have posted at my blog about this and made my list. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  4. Oh Susan, this sounds like a wonderful challenge for me! I LOVE to read, but have a great deal of difficulty making time for it these days. Perhaps the challenge will remind me to MAKE the time.. to fit it in there somewhere.. ANYWHERE!! I want to join in, but will have to think up a list. I only know for the moment that I'd like to finish the book I'm reading now, then I'd like to read the book Freedom, that Oprah is currently covering right now for her bookclub. I have never read ANY books by James Patterson, and keep hearing how many people LOVE his books, so that may be another idea!... Gosh, it's been a while since my posting on Pink Saturdays, so it's good to see you again! (0; I'll get back to you soon on this! ~tina

  5. I put another book read post up yesterday. Don't know if you're still doing it. Take care


    Here is the list for me for the reading challenge this fall. I enjoyed my selections so much for Summer and am anxious to hear how this one goes as well!

    Thanks for hosting!

  7. Hi Susan, please add me in the reading challenge. My list is posted at my blog at
    Maybe this will get me back to making time for reading!
    Thanks for hosting,

  8. Hi Susan,
    I'm so looking forward to sitting and reading, it's an Autumnal treat which I cherish, can't wait to get started.
    You can see my list here:
    Thanks for hosting the challenge once again.

  9. Hi Susan! My post can be found here...

    I'm a little late, but I'm ready to read! ~tina

  10. I thought I had linked up already, but I guess I didn't. I will add myself now. Thank you for hosting the challenge, it was very motivating for me.

  11. Oops, I did it wrong again. Here is my link to my Fall Reading List.

  12. Finally have my first book down! And I picked a super one to go first!

    The Thirteenth Tale - Diane Setterfield 4.5 out 5 on my scale.

    Hope you are doing well with your list too!

    Looking forward to updates on all this amazing reading :)

  13. I'm glad I stopped by I will have to link up and come up with a list too.
    Joy at Books and Life

  14. Oh dear I have fallen quite short of my goal! YIKES!!! I have half finished several books on my list but not entirely any of them... are we going to have a Spring Reading List? Please, please...I must redeem myself (if that is possible) lol
    A slug again...

  15. Here's a link to how I wound up... That was great! :) Thanks for hosting!

  16. Happy Spring today! Will you be doing a challenge for spring? I would love to participate!!!

  17. Very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.

  18. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

  19. Great article, Thanks for your great information, the content is quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.


Thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment! I enjoy reading all your thoughts and will try to answer any questions you might have for me. Have a wonderful day....hope to "see"you again soon!