Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Reading Challenge updated

  • Challenge: Summer Reading Challenge 2010
  • Start date: June 21, 2010

    Finish date: September 21, 2010

    Hosted By: A Southern Daydreamer Reads


    1. Make a list of books you want to read this summer.
    2. Write a post with your list on your blog. (You can add to or change this list at any time during the challenge)
    3. Please post the direct link to your Summer Reading Challenge 2010 post. (so that other participants can visit and see what you are reading)
    4. You can write another post in September to let everyone know how you did.


    List of Summer Reading Challenge participants (I will update this list):

    1. Michelle at New Horizon Reviews
    2. Katie at Le Beau Paon Victorien
    3. Freda at Freda’s Voice
    4. Susan at A Southern Daydreamer Reads
    5. Olga at Olga’s Home and Garden Blog
    6. Sherrie at Just Books
    7. GrannySue at GrannySue’s Planet
    8. Becky at Behind the Scenes with Becky 
    9. Laura at The Shabby Rabbit
    10. Valerie at SnapPeas
    11. Susan at A Work in Progress
    12. Becky at Operation Actually Read Bible
    13. Karla at Ramblin Roads
    14. Helen at Nanna’s Place
    15. Heather at Mrs Southern Bride
    16. You are next!!


  • We will have another challenge for Fall 2010. The purpose of the challenge is for everyone to read and have fun!

  • 1 comment:

    1. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing such informative post.


    Thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment! I enjoy reading all your thoughts and will try to answer any questions you might have for me. Have a wonderful day....hope to "see"you again soon!